Manage Your Subscription
Now there's an easier way to make sure you have your Kaapi every morning!
Sign up for a subscription and your coffee will be automatically shipped to you on your schedule.
You can select the quantity and frequency and edit your subscription at any time. Once you've placed an order with a subscription, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to a Customer Portal where you can make updates, changes, or cancel your subscription. Be sure to save this e-mail or your login information for future access.
Please note: Since the subscription offers a discount off the retail price, we kindly ask that you commit to a minimum of 3 billing cycles before you will have the option to discontinue your subscription.
Please e-mail us at with any questions.
If you already have a subscription, login to your account here!
We reserve the right to cancel or discontinue our subscription service at any time. In the event that we do have to cancel a subscription, you will be notified and you will receive no further charges to your account.